Wednesday 13 June 2012

My Most Anticipated Movies For The Rest Of 2012

After a quite disappointing start to the year i thought Prometheus was going to be the big turning point. It arrived with a lot of studio backing but it ultimately ended as an anticlimax.

Its not all been bad.
The Raid - Redemption brought us a new action maestro, Wes Anderson returned to form with the delightful Moonrise Kingdom and to some extent The Avengers did something to salvage the superhero movie.

So what do we have to look forward to for the rest of 2012 i hear you ask? well

The Dark Knight Rises (20/7/2012)
From the guy who did... The Prestige (2006)

Christian Bale and Gary Oldman return in the final part of Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy.
Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordan-Levitt and Anne Hathaway all join the cast of what could be the greatest comic book movie of all time?

Lawless (7/09/2012) From the guy who did... The Proposition (2005)

Director John Hillcoat brings back Nick Cave (The Proposition) on scriptwriting duties following the slightly disappointing The Road. Lawless is a tale of a small time family of bootleggers set in depression era Virginia. Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Jason Clarke play the Bondurant brothers who don't take to kindly to a corrupt official wanting a cut of there business. As always Cave provides the soundtrack as well.

Killing Them Softly (21/092012)
From the guy who did... Chopper (2000)

Brad Pitt stars as Jack Coogan in Andrew Dominik's adaptation of George V. Higgins's novel Coogan's Trade. Pitt plays an enforcer who is brought in after a mob protected card game is heisted.
The last time these two worked together was on the visually stunning Assassination of Jessie James By The Coward Robert Ford for which Brad Pitt won best actor at the Venice film festival.

Gangster Squad (9/11/2012) From the guy who did... Zombieland (2009)

2011's man of the year Ryan Gosling returns with Emma Stone (Crazy, Stupid, Love) in what looks like the untouchables meets Public Enemy. This could be the coolest gangster flick you've seen in ages. Lets just hope the Jay-Z style hip hop track is just for the trailer.

Sean Penn says it all "Back east i was a gangster. Out here, I'm God"

The Grandmasters (Asia 18/12/2012)
From the guy who did... Ashes of Time (1994)

Tony Leung and Crouching Tiger's Zhang Ziyi star in Wong Kar-Wai's take on the legendary Ip Man story. The film has been in limbo for about 3 years but if the trailer is anything to go by it will blow Donnie Yen's version out of the water. I for one can't wait.

Django Unchained (USA 25/12/2012) From the guy who did... Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Does this need an introduction? probably not.
Check the trailer out here

Only God Forgives (2012/2013) From the guy who did... Bronson (2008)

A Bangkok police lieutenant and a gangster settle their differences in a Thai-boxing match.
Sounds interesting!
Only time will tell if Nicolas Winding Refn and Ryan Gosling can re-kindle the magic of last years super cool Drive.  I'm going with a confident YES.

Take a gamble on... Red Lights.
Rodrigo Cortés follows the blistering Buried with a tale of faith healing, psychics and murder.
Stars Robert De Niro, Cillian Murphy and Sigourney Weaver.

Plus, don't forget about Rian Johnson's Looper.

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